전 지점 피부과 전문의 진료

울쎄라피 프라임 신규 도입


눈주위 주름 및 다크써클의 치료를 위한 미세지방조각술

2005년 대한피부과학회 춘계학술대회 치료 심포지엄 발표 내용입니다.
3.눈주의 주름 및 다크써클의 치료를 위한 미세지방조각술
(Periorbital lipoaugmentation for rejuvenation and dark circle)
Leaders Clinic
Normal aging changes of periorbital area make it hollow, baggy and sharply demarcated from the surrounding cheek. With loss of subcutaneous fullness in the infraorbital region, the thin skin of the lower eyelids wrinkles and the color of orbicularis oculi muscles and blood vessels can be seen through the thin, less supported skin. Excision of infraorbital fat, which may provide important supportive functions in the lower orbit, sometimes further hollow, and sculpt the periorbital tissue. The involutional nature of aging is more realistically corrected with lipoaugmentation after adequate patient selection.
Thirty females seeking for periorbital rejuvenation and/or improvement of infraorbital darkness (25 to 67 years: mean, 42 years) were included in this study. The most common complications are infraorbital irregularities and lumps in 2 cases, and asymmetry in one case. Otherwise the other patients expressed excellent subjective satisfaction. No patients required secondary touch up lipoaugmentation with follow up period of 3 months to 1 year.
By adding fat to the cheek and infraorbital rim, the negative emotional impressions can be reduced. Restoration of fullness to the lower eyelids and cheeks soften wrinkles and crow"s-feet and can lighten infraorbital darkness.